We Escaped The Playground

Our vacation escape room adventures continued today with a visit to The Playground. We joined up with a family of seven from North Carolina in order to get all of our grades so that we could make it to the dodge ball tournament on time. There was so many people in the room, it helped to break up into groups and solve multiple puzzles at the same time. We finished with five minutes to spare.

We Didn’t Escape Prison

Abby had a day off from being a lifeguard down at the Oviedo pool, so we decided to spend that time in prison, an escape room prison that is. It was a challenge for six people, but the other two people didn’t show up, so we tackled it on our own. We also found out that it’s their toughest room, but we felt we were up for the challenge.

We started out in two separate cells and had to work together in order to get a key to our jail cells. One was a magnetic maze that me and Izzy could see and had to convey the direction Abby and Emily had to go on the other size in their cell. Once out, we had to figure out a few more puzzles to get through some doors. There were colored pipes and we had to look through them at hash marks on the wall in order to tell the combination to a lock. Then, we had to key in some switches to some tic-tac-toe puzzles that were around the room. A few more puzzles later and we slid down into our final room. With only ten minutes left, we didn’t have enough time to finish. We had two puzzles left when time was up.

It was a trough room, but we had fun. I thought we did a good job for down two people and it being their toughest room.

Water Polo Senior Night

The last two games of the regular season for Abby’s water polo team were tonight and it was also Senior Night. It started off with a ceremony where Abby was congratulated by the principal of her school. The first game was against Bishop Moore where they eked out a win 9 to 8. Abby scored a goal. She lobbed it right over the goalie’s head. For the second game, they beat Lake Brantley 11-9. Abby said they hadn’t beat that team in four years. Poppy flew in to see Abby play water polo and was glad he came for such great games. Congratulations to Abby on a great season. I’m so proud of her.

New Soccer League


Soccer Winter 2014

While the rest of the United States is snowed in, it’s nice and sunny here in Florida. After two straight rain-outs, it was time for soccer once again. Emily started up a new soccer league this season. They ended up with a loss today, but it was a good game. This league is much more fast pace than The Y. It’s mixed with girls & boys playing on the same team. Emily’s team, the English Bulldogs, are an all-girl team. It was nice and sunny and a great time for soccer.

After soccer, Izzy went and sold Girl Scout cookies. I bought 3 more boxes having almost finished off the 5 others we bought.
